Words go here, you can adjust said words in the module called Special Bar as well as all the styling.
School Programs
School Programs
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art centered around self-defense.
Our school curriculums are designed to teach students basic skills in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that allow them to predict, control, immobilise and escape their opponent safely.
Students will also be given the opportunity to develop their agility, resilience and confidence throughout the workshops.

Learn Self Defence
Increased Confidence
Tailored Programs

All classes are overseen by BJJ Professor Walid Soliman.
Walid is a professionally trained elite athlete with over 20 years of experience.
All instructors have a working with children check and are well equipped to teach students of all ages.
Our instructors can come to your school, however, to benefit from the full experience, we highly recommend and welcome students to attend workshops at our Control Jiu Jitsu Academy.

To download a copy of our workshop information brochure, please click the link below.